Girls have ideas that will change the world.
But women make up only 9.9% of the industry that builds it.
It’s time to rebuild the ratio.
Despite interest from a young age, women continue to be underrepresented in STEM related fields. While 74% of teen girls show interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – women make up only 28% of the current STEM workforce. In construction, women represent only 9.9% of the workforce.
At Suffolk, women make up 28% of our organization.
We pledge to improve that ratio.
Our Pledge
Here's how we're committed to rebuilding the ratio.
Increasing the number of women in our workforce from
28% to 38% over the next 10 years
Teaming up with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts for the
next 10 years to create a construction and STEM-focused curriculum
Engaging in meaningful partnerships nationwide with local organizations
focused on growing women’s representation in STEM
Our Initiatives
We’re raising awareness and partnering with organizations that share our passion for fostering girls’ and young women’s interest in STEM.
Through our 10-year partnership with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, we’re developing a Suffolk Construction 101 curriculum customized for girls 5-17 years old. This collaboration brings STEM career exploration to thousands of girls, ultimately inspiring interest in construction-related STEM careers and helping to bridge the gender equality gap.
The first set of curriculum, Juniors Who Build, launched in March 2023. This course introduces the Girl Scouts to various career paths within the construction industry by having them design and “build” a treehouse. The curriculum is available for troops to access on the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts website and any Girl Scout troop across the country is welcome to complete the curriculum and earn a patch.
Our Partnerships
In addition to our partnership with Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, Suffolk and the Suffolk Cares Foundation work with organizations like the following to support efforts to grow women’s representation in the construction industry.
Community Connections
The best way to spark an interest in building? Show girls and young women all the exciting opportunities that are out there. Here’s how we’ve been connecting with future builders in our communities.
DIY Girls
Suffolk and Suffolk Cares support DIY Girls throughout the year in various ways, including event sponsorships and office visits. The L.A. team hosted a group of girls and spoke to them about careers in construction. The group also got to work with some of our technology and tour the Fig & Pico jobsite.
Girl Scouts of Eastern
A group of Girl Scouts visited the Suffolk headquarters in Boston for an interactive tour of the office and CoLab, a panel discussion with women leaders and a job site tour of Northeastern University’s EXP project. Our Boston team also participated in “STEM Fest,” where employees helped girls use paper and popsicle sticks to build bridges and structures strong enough to carry the weight of several books.
Girl Scouts of
Greater Los Angeles
Suffolk’s L.A. team hosted 30 high school girls from the Girl Scouts L.A. chapter for an office visit and a 5-hour workshop. The girls received an RFP from a fictious client and learned how to read and draw architectural plans, perform an estimate and build a physical architectural model to scale. They also had the chance to walk through a virtual model.
Women Who Build
Suffolk’s Women Who Build Business Resource Group (BRG) brings colleagues together for networking, informal mentoring and professional development. This BRG is a key piece of Suffolk’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to empower and support women working in the construction industry.
Katherine Maloney
Director, Corporate Giving
Madison Caro-Leverich
Manager, Corporate Giving